AI-assisted learning


What is CloudMentor?

Using advanced artificial intelligence technologies, CloudMentor provides a dedicated micro-learning platform for universities, serving all fields of study, with a focus on continuous mentoring with AI support.

Students can access the platform via a mobile app, allowing them to use it anywhere and anytime. The platform does not focus solely on grades. It offers 24/7 support throughout education and tests in two formats: voice and a classic one-choice test, which are automatically graded by AI. Through intelligent analysis, CloudMentor identifies and corrects students' skill gaps, providing instant, personalized feedback.

Lecturers have the ability to integrate multiple courses and add their own teaching materials. A key strength of the platform is its advanced AI-enabled mentoring support, ensuring that students receive not only grades, but also continuous care and support as they learn.

Jak CloudMentor może zmniejszać zjawisko dropoutu?

CloudMentor to zaawansowane narzędzie wspierające uczelnie w zarządzaniu procesem nauczania i wsparciem studentów. Jego funkcje odpowiadają na kluczowe potrzeby wskazane w badaniach dotyczących minimalizowania dropoutu.

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Chcesz zobaczyć jak działa CloudMentor?

Learning with AI support

Dedicated learning platform for higher education, supporting all fields of study with AI support.

Mobile application

Access the platform via a mobile app.

AI-graded exams

The platform offers AI-powered support for education with voice and one-choice tests that are automatically scored.

Filling in the gaps in students' knowledge

CloudMentor identifies and bridges students' skill gaps by providing instant, personalized feedback.

Adding your own materials

Lecturers can integrate multiple courses and add their own teaching materials.

Learning support

Advanced mentoring support using AI, ensuring that students receive not only grades, but also continuous care and support throughout their studies.