Online Examinations


What is CloudExams?

The CloudExam platform is a tool for conducting online exams. This tool is built on the basis of our many years of experience in the field of education.

CloudExam is compatible and ready to work with our other tools, including the dean’s office system, which means that it maintains the framework of the flexible product concept.

Want to see how CloudExams works?

Secure environment

This is an innovative function that secures the credibility of the results, which after starting the exam blocks the possibility of going to or starting a program other than the one in which the session takes place.

Exam duration

Depending on individual needs, there is an option to freely define the time for a given session.

Database of questions and exam sheets

CloudExams has integrated space for storing your own question databases, as well as entire exam sheets. In addition, with this option you can freely combine different question databases into one whole sheet

AI question generation

CloudExam generates questions based on the indicated materials or lecture agenda.

Oral questions

Use of oral questions using speech-to-text transcription.

AI evaluation

Preliminary AI evaluation of the student's oral response with a check of the vulnerability of using artificial intelligence to answer.

Immediate result

Providing the examinee with feedback on the result and mistakes made.

Preparation of exams for printing

Each created exam sheet has the option of exporting to a print-ready pdf format, if a paper exam is carried out.

Group management

Supportive function to efficiently navigate between groups, define them, manage them and create them according to your needs.

Viewing an exam

This function allows you to review the exam sheet after completion and verify the answers, e.g. to see the mistakes made.


In addition to sharing the results, you can determine the granting of an individual certificate after the successful completion of the exam.

Universities using CloudExams

Integration with other CloudTeam solutions

High integration potential is a very important indicator when choosing tools that improve the work standard. In the case of CloudExams, it can be integrated with other CloudTeam products such as:

Virtual Laboratories
Learning to programme
University OnDemand
OnDemand lectures
Integration with deanery systems